I woke up this morning to the sound of rain tapping against the window and resigned myself to a soggy morning run. Even Pilar, my dog, sighed in disgust when I let her outside to pee. Winter's here in San francisco.......
As usual, in spite of the rain, my mood started to lift 10 minutes into my run. Anyway, during my usual un-jumbling of thoughts and regular sightings this morning, (crazy lady in purple spandex with strawberry motif on hat, great blue heron in lagoon sharing strange resemblance to high school history teacher, stomach growling, leading to thoughts of breakfast...), I kept on coming back to the latest Ecohealth issue, which zooms out and takes a thoughtful look at indigenous cultures in the context of globalization and environmental change; it underscores the apparent disparity facing indigenous populations who, on the one hand, have cultivated many sustainable practices, maintaining a respectful balance with their surroundings; yet, on the other hand, are fast becoming the greatest victims of climate change, disease emergence, and urbanization.
Go to Ecohealth Online for subscription sign up and check out the latest goings on at Ecohealth and the Ecohealth Student Division. Also, save the date The International Association for Ecology and Health Conference to take place December of 2008 in Merida, Mexico; it would be great to get a stronger veterinary presence at the meeting this year.